There are 6 essential steps you must take after getting a DUI in California.
- ① Step 1 is URGENT – The first thing you must do is protect your license from getting suspended by IMMEDIATELY REQUESTING A DMV HEARING. You only have 10 days from the date of your arrest to make a DMV Hearing request which can be made by phone or fax.
Read more about DUI Step 1. - ② Step 2 is to make notes about your DUI arrest before you forget the details of what happened.
Read more about DUI Step 2. - ③ Step 3 is to get informed – know your rights, know the law, know the penalties. Knowledge is power!
- LEARN EVERYTHING YOU CAN ABOUT DUIs so you can make informed decisions – be aware of all the possible consequences you face from a DUI. Call us anytime at (310) 285-1516 for a free legal consultation so we can explain all the consequences you are facing from a DUI and answer any questions you have about your DUI. We can help you with getting your license back. Potential DUI Consequences include:-
- a license suspension
- court fine
- a DUI Class
- Jail (usually no Jail for a 1st time DUI but Jail is mandatory for 2nd and 3rd-time DUIs)
- court probation
- a possible increase in your car insurance due to an SR22 proof of insurance filing requirement
- an ignition interlock device on the steering wheel of your car
- 2 DMV points
- potential issues with traveling to Canada with a DUI on your record
- Immigration consequences if you are not a citizen
- etc.
Please also be aware that if you are currently in the MILITARY or if you are a Military Veteran, you have a great opportunity because you can apply for Military Diversion to keep the DUI from going on your criminal record.
Read more about DUI Step 3.- ④ Step 4 REPRESENTATION – decide if you want to handle your DUI yourself, or hire a lawyer to help you, or use the services of a court-appointed public defender.
Read more about DUI Step 4. - ⑤ Step 5 INVESTIGATION – It’s very important that you do a thorough investigation and check everything concerning your DUI. You want to obtain and look very closely at all the evidence in your case including the police report, any video from the police car and the officer’s body camera. You want to check all the breath machines you blew into by examining their accuracy, maintenance, and usage records, etc. If you did a blood test you want to make sure they followed accepted medical practices in the blood testing. For example, did the phlebotomist follow proper procedure in the blood draw. Did the laboratory test your blood according to proper procedure, etc.
Learn more about DUI Step 5 - ⑥ Step 6 UNDERSTAND ALL YOUR OPTIONS – for example, in court do you want to have a jury trial to fight the charges or negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecutor?
Learn more about DUI Step 6.
- ① Step 1 is URGENT – The first thing you must do is protect your license from getting suspended by IMMEDIATELY REQUESTING A DMV HEARING. You only have 10 days from the date of your arrest to make a DMV Hearing request which can be made by phone or fax.